More format such as MOBI, DJVU, FB2 and other popular formats will be supported in the final version. Icecream Ebook Reader is current still in beta and only supports ePub format at the moment. You can not only read but use it as your personal library to manage all your book collections. This program also features the ability to turn pages, use bookmarks, search your library, track reading progress and much more. It’s a new free tool made specifically for Windows 7 or 8 desktop users to enjoy reading books in ePub format. Here we have compiled a list of 5 best ePub readers available on Windows 7 and 8 for those who want to read ePub books on a desktop Windows computer. Most eBook readers support this format, except for the Kindle (which need to convert from Mobi to ePub). Among the number of eBook formats available on the typical type of eReader devices, ePub, electronic Publication, is no doubt the most popular one that is set to be a free open standard for all digital media publications. Reading books not printed on paper is becoming a trend. Ever since the first Kindle was introduced in 2007, eBooks have been gaining more market shares.